Dunedin Election Blog
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Sea change
New Zealand is dependant on maritime trade. Yet National and Labour don't want to do anything about the serious problems in this area. In the 1990's, the National Government opened up the coastal shipping trade to international shipping companies. New Zealand shipping is now barely in existence. In the 1980's, Labour legislated to protect international sea freight from competition law. The idea behind these so-called reforms was always to reduce the cost to business.

Of course, in reality, it means that New Zealand is being ripped off by multinational shipping operators who are all working hand in glove with each other.

A recent report in the Sunday Star Times showed how even big business is getting upset about the greed of the shipping companies.

The Alliance wants to see the return of cabotage, where priority is given to New Zealand shipping companies employing New Zealand seafarers on decent wages and conditions.

I am also personally going to be pushing the idea that we need to have a public owned shipping company to ensure that transport rates are kept down, and the rights of foreign seafarers in New Zealand waters are protected as well.

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